Saturday, May 23, 2020
Reflection Paper About Jordan - 2008 Words
Charity Oliver Professor Denis Sullivan Middle Eastern Politics June 25, 2017 Final Reflection of Jordan My study abroad in Jordan has exceeded my expectations and challenged my initial thoughts about the region. I have honestly had many moments of culture shock, good and bad, as well as ââ¬Å"a-haâ⬠moments; yet, the biggest one of all was when visiting Nidalââ¬â¢s Bani Essa home and having dinner with his family. It seemed odd to me that a family could be so inviting and caring towards foreigners. That day, I realized that Arab and Muslim people genuinely love their American brothers and sisters despite the hatred they receive from some of us. I have felt very much like a celebrity here and even when at tourists sites people from all parts of theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Though I am not of Arab descent, I can honestly say I very much feel a part of the family. Another thing, before coming to Jordan I felt as if I am pretty independent. I grew up in a single parent home therefore it is natural for me to be dependent upon myself to get or accomplish things. Being in Jordan I have fed off of my independence, using it to my advantage. Here I feel as if I have matured more and have gotten one step closer towards full adulthood. In Jordan, I have learned to work with and alongside people from a much different background than I. I have grown more accepting of people that differ from me. I have learned to cope with the differences through experiencing and overcoming the language and culture barrier. I will take back to U.S. skills for dealing with and fighting uncomfortable and difficult situations. As for my confidence, before coming to Amman, I was very uncomfortable with speaking Arabic and even for the first few weeks here, I was still very uncomfortable. I had to learn to use the Arabic words I already know to get my point across. I knew before arriving, I would have problems with speaking the language in the streets because of the differences in dialect. I was very afraid that I was not going to be able to request things, place orders, shop, etc. Though my beliefs about the difficult I would initially experience were confirmed, as time went by, I learned that one does not have to be fluent in the street language to haveShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Personal Branding And How Effective It Can Be For Actors?1120 Words à |à 5 Pagesââ¬Å"Define what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those termsâ⬠(Mainwaring, n.d.). Personal branding is the message you intend to send to others that is a reflection of you, your val ues, and what you stand for. Branding yourself is vital in the business world today considering it can help you with, better opportunity discovery, better networking career advancement, and better success. It can also develop and define you as a leader. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Reasons for Nora Helmer to Stay in Henrik Ibsenââ¬â¢s A Dollââ¬â¢s...
In A Doll House Ibsen made a very controversial act, by having Nora leave her husband and her family. After first reading the play I thought that what Nora did was the right thing to do. But after thinking about I now realize that wasnt the right thing to do. Yes, Torvald was not the best husband in the world, but Nora should have considered that before she married him. To turn your back on your spouse is one thing, but to turn your back on your children is another. Nora was around in an era were women were looked down upon, not considered equal to men, so it would be hard for her to find a job. If Nora were to leave her Torvald she would have no were to go. Nora was a doll all of her life, first to her father then to Torvald,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Girls need a women figure to talk to about female things. Not only that but if Nora left and then later on down the road decided to enter back into the childrens lives, they might have resentment towards her. Another reason why Nora shouldnt leave her children is because Torvald may one day decide to remarry. She needs to be more to her children than an empty figurehead.(Thomas The childrens new mother might try to take the place of Nora. If she were to succeed, the children might not remember Nora. But on the other hand maybe she wouldnt succeed in taking Noras place, and that would be very hard on the children as well. Nora was around at a time when women werent considered equal to men, so it would be hard for her to get a job, if she could find one at all. The mere fact that Noras well-intentioned action is considered illegal reflects womans subordinate posit ion in society. It can be suggested that woman have power to choose which rules to follow at home, but not in the business world, thus indicating her subordinateness.(Thomas, If Nora were to look for a job she would probably hear a sexist remark like, shouldnt you be at home raising the children. Ibsen saw womens proper role as motherhood, and motherhood only.(Frank Magil, 1572) It is hard enough in the new millennium for a women to get a good job to support herself, let alone in 1879, when this story tookShow MoreRelatedWomens Role in Society Analyzed and Debated in Henrik Ibsenââ¬â¢s A Dollââ¬â¢s House918 Words à |à 4 PagesFor various reasons, the role of women in society has been analyzed and frequently debated throughout history. Henrik Ibsenââ¬â¢s A Dollââ¬â¢s House is no exception to the rule. In Norway, and during the Victorian period in history, womenââ¬â¢s responsibilities were simply to keep house or do small jobs on the side such as sewing or light secretarial work. Henrik Ibsen may have had several intentions when writing his play A Dollââ¬â¢s House, but the one that stands out so clearly is the role of women in the timeRead MoreNora s Self Discovery Of A Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen851 Words à |à 4 PagesNoraââ¬â¢s Self Discovery In Henrik Ibsenââ¬â¢s playwright A Dollââ¬â¢s House, there are several observations one can infer about the character Nora, as the reader can see throughout the play. Henrik Ibsen is well - known for his radical playwright publications. During the time that A Dollââ¬â¢s House, was published the public would consider this realistic play quite controversial. The major questionable issue was with the character Nora and her actions in the play. In A Dollââ¬â¢s House Nora is presented in the beginningRead MoreThe Role Of Women In The Doll House And Trifles1667 Words à |à 7 Pagesin the late 19th and early 20th century were treated like a second-class citizen, and were thought of as being the weaker sex. It was the womenââ¬â¢s job to stay home to cook and raise the children. While these are still prevalent issues, it is also true that things has gotten better for some women in recent years. Works like ââ¬Å"The Doll Houseâ⬠by Henrik Ibsen and ââ¬Å"Triflesâ⬠by Susan Glaspell have helped advance the idea of what roles women should play in society. In each play there are strong, female protagonistsRead MoreAn Analysis Of A Doll s House 1322 Words à |à 6 PagesTITLE: The Theme of Gender Inequality in A Dollââ¬â¢s House INTRO: It is well-known that throughout history women and men have not always been treated as equals; it was not until the early twentieth century that women could vote in most countries. In the Victorian era, when A Dollââ¬â¢s House took place, women held a less than equitable sociopolitical and domestic standing. 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InstitutionsRead MoreAnalysis Of Franz Kafka s The Metamorphosis, And Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House1965 Words à |à 8 Pageshusband of a family. Three viewpoints of literary criticism-Marxist, Feminist, and Freudian-argue different outlooks regarding the main characters and their deviance from the standards of society in Franz Kafkaââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Metamorphosisâ⬠and Henrik Ibsenââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"A Dollââ¬â¢s House.â⬠The Marxist viewpoint discusses a personââ¬â¢s objectivity in society and how it is affected by outside forces such as money, labor, and power. In Franz Kafkaââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Metamorphosis,â⬠the main character of Gregor undergoes several changesRead MoreFeminism in Literature2346 Words à |à 10 PagesCharlotte Bronteââ¬â¢s Jane Eyre and Henrik Ibsenââ¬â¢s A Dollââ¬â¢s House Feminism, if anything, has appeared majorly in the literature spectrum through all decades and forms. Feminism is the political, cultural, or economic movement aimed at establishing equality and protection for all women. No matter the time period or place feminism has always been a popular literary topic that has made a few works quite notorious, including Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and A Dollââ¬â¢s House by Henrik Ibsen. Both works containRead MoreIbsen11859 Words à |à 48 PagesForshey 1 Running head: IBSENââ¬â¢S FEMALE CHARACTERS Ibsenââ¬â¢s Female Characters in Captivity: An Exploration of Literature and Performance Christina Kelley Forshey A Senior Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation in the Honors Program Liberty University Fall 2008 Forshey 2 Acceptance of Senior Honors Thesis This Senior Honors Thesis is accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation from the Honors Program of Liberty University. ______________________________
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Social Studies Portfolio Entry 1 Draft 1 Free Essays
Social Studies Portfolio Entry 1 Draft 1 Independence of Singapore Introduction This portfolio entry is about the independence of Singapore. I chose this topic as I will learn about it in Primary 5, in relation to Social Studies. The independence of Singapore led us to full self-government. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Studies Portfolio Entry 1 Draft 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now We had little resources, but the determination and perseverance to survive. What Happened Before Independence After the war, the British were no longer seen as capable leaders of Singapore, as they had failed to protect her from the Japanese. The British granted Singapore self-government in 1959, and the PAP won during the general elections, making Lee Kuan Yew the first Prime Minister. Singapore and Malaya merged with Sabah and Sarawak to make the Federation of Malaysia. However, Singapore separated from Malaysia because of the racial and religious tensions between both countries. Lee Kuan Yew feared that there would not be enough resources for Singapore to survive. How the Government governed Singapore after Independence The government tried to have harsher punishments for crimes, so that there would not be many criminals and Singapore would be freer of corruption. Lee Kuan Yew grew Singaporeââ¬â¢s economy by making education compulsory and maximising business opportunities. He also provided more housing for citizens. How others felt about the Independence of Singapore At the time of independence, citizens and even the ruling party of Singapore felt apprehensive about the future. With no natural resources, many felt that she would not be able to survive without the help of the other countries. My feelings towards the Independence of Singapore I feel the forced independence was a blessing in disguise. With wise steps, active participation and determination, Singapore has become a thriving country. If there had been no sudden separation from Malaysia, Singapore might not be what it is today. Conclusion In conclusion, Singaporeââ¬â¢s independence allowed her to be successful. If Singapore had been a part of Malaysia instead and decided to become independent at a later stage, she would have to spend more time adapting and probably would not be as advanced as she is now. How to cite Social Studies Portfolio Entry 1 Draft 1, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Victoria Warren free essay sample
Victoria WarrenAmy ReynoldsEnglish 1213 MWF 103026 February 2018PersistenceDo you give up at the first sign of resistance? The road to success is paved with persistence. Reaching and maintaining other important values or virtues in life all begin with persistence. Although, the meaning of persistence can be something different for everyone we all have the same goal. Persistence builds character, personality traits, and it is the foundation to our success.The Oxford dictionary defines persistence as continuing, firmly, or obstinately in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition . My definition of persistence is quite simple; however, the actual process is tedious and repetitive. I would define persistence as a character trait of a person who is relentless. I would further my definition to include, but not limited to those who despite numerous failed attempts, negativity of others, or discouragement of any shape, form, or fashion to reach personal goals to never give up working towards a goal or negative remarks from others. We will write a custom essay sample on Victoria Warren or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Persistence is something much more difficult to do than an ability. Persistence is not failure. Bill Bradley once said Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. persistence is the constant in people who succeed, we often seem to forget this value, stay focused every day until you get the results. No one wants to fail. We learn from our mistakes and progress along the path of life. All along the way, they were prepared to be very flexible and experiment to see what techniques and strategies worked best to get where they wanted to go. No one enjoys the difficulties that life throws our way, but sooner or later it happens. How you decide to overcome these difficulties is what helps determine the level of success. The belief that if you try long enough, hard enough and make adjustments along the way, that sooner or later you will get to your goal. Your optimism is what tells you to keep trying. Persistence is about continuing to do something even when there is good reason to quit. But little do we realize that these ups and downs are challenges thrown at us. To test us. To strengthen. You develop yourself and learn new lessons, you face challenges and obstacles, but the payoff comes when you refuse to give To toughen us up. never settle. Life will keep giving you things, accept them. But never stop there. Keep moving forwardWith everything good, there is the bad. Just like every aspect in life, persistence has its bad side as well. Generally, when we think of persistence we think it is a good character quality, however, not everyone uses persistence for good. Stalkers are persistent on their focus of objectivity, when a person will use all forces necessary to reach their goals, or when one person who is well informed that another is not romantically interested, yet they continue to make flirtish gestures to the uninterested person. A few of these instances can lead to legal implications such as restraining orders. The opposite of persistence is stubbornness. Persistence is good while stubbornness is bad. Occasionally the bad elements of persistence can arise just as the good elements of stubbornness can. It can be influenced by how persistence is used or demonstrated, especially In conclusion, persistence is a quality of a person who never gives up on themselves or their goals and dreams. It is easy to get discouraged when you continually strive to achieve something, and it does not work out. Persistence is something much more difficult to do than an ability. By always trying to better yourself you will always be a better you. Perseverance is not just a show of trying. It also shows the courage of a person. You simply must stay positive and keep moving.Works CitedOxford Dictionary. 02 2018. Oxford University Press. 21 02 2018. .
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